Benefits of Integrative Medicine


Principles of integrative medicine

Integrative medicine treats you as a whole person (mind, body, spirit) not just the sum of your symptoms. It utilizes the latest in scientific medical knowledge and melds it with the unique perspective of diagnosis and treatment to discover the root cause(s) of illness.

Principles of Integrative Medicine:

  • A partnership between patient and physician in the healing process

  • Appropriate use of conventional and alternative methods to facilitate the body's innate healing response

  • Consideration of all factors that influence health, wellness and disease: mind, body, spirit, and the community.

  • A philosophy that neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts all alternative therapies uncritically.

  • Recognition that good medicine should be based in good science, be inquiry driven, and be open to new paradigms

  • Use of natural, effective, less-invasive interventions whenever possible

  • Use of the broader concepts of promotion of health and the prevention of illness as well as the treatment of disease

Integrative Medicine Consultation:

  • Dr. Sousa will evaluate various components of your health:

    • Personal Medical, Family and Social History

    • Musculoskeletal system

    • Neurological system

    • All body systems

    • Heredity

    • Personal Relationships

    • Spiritual Health

    • Physical and emotional trauma

    • Environment

  • Based on this in-depth discussion, review of past medical records, past blood tests, and past radiological tests (if any), a physical & structural examination, and collaborating with you regarding your personal healthcare preferences, Dr. Sousa will make specific recommendations tailored to you.

    • Some of these recommendations may include:

      • Additional diagnostic testing, ie. laboratory tests or imaging

      • Traditional conventional medicine treatments

      • Osteopathic manipulative treatments

      • Diet modifications

      • Prescribed exercise and/or stretching

      • Lifestyle changes



Integrative Medicine gives more time to the patient

  • The average primary care office visit may only be 5 to 14 minutes...

  • In this amount of time, it is near impossible to deliver the quality and depth of care required by Integrative Medicine.

My typical new patient visit is often about 1 hour long, and follow up visits are typically 30 mins or so.